Rules of the Studely sponsoring operation
This special operation, hereafter the Operation, is organized by Studely, hereafter the Organizer, SAS with a capital of 11 904 € euros, whose head office is located at 12 rue des bateliers, 92 110 Clichy, France, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Nanterre, France, under the number 820 541 449, N° ORIAS 16005471
The parent, relative of a customer or not of Studely, any adult or student and former student who registers on: and receives an email inviting him/her to participate in the Operation is hereafter called the Sponsor.
The Organizer sets up the Operation under which the Sponsor can benefit from a bonus of up to 50€ (fifty euros) if he/she sponsors a member of his/her entourage (hereinafter referred to as the "Godson") and if the Godson proceeds, under the conditions of the present rules, to :
- The definitive opening (*) in his name, of a Studely payment account and the payment of the annual subscription fees of this payment account .
- The subscription of an irrevocable transfer certificate (AVI) or blocked account at Studely necessary to justify his financial resources at the time of the request of his student visa to the French consulate or his residence permit in France
The Godchild will also receive, under the conditions provided for in the article "Terms of the Operation" below, a bonus of 10€ for the opening and subscription of a Studely payment account and a bonus of 20€ for the subscription of a blocked account at Studely. These bonuses will be transferred to the student's payment account after the opening and subscription of the account.
In order to participate in the Operation, each Sponsor must meet the following conditions:
- Be a customer or former customer of Studely, i.e. on the day of registration on the list of Studely sponsors, be the holder of a payment account or a blocked account
- Be a parent/relative of a customer or former customer of Studely, i.e. on the day of registration on the Studely sponsor list (on:, his/her son or relative must have a payment account or a blocked account
- Be of legal age and 18 years of age or older.
The transaction is effective from November 15, 2022 to february 15, 2023.
1. For the Sponsor :
a. Sponsor's Compensation
i. For referrals from Category 1 countries
Category 1: includes all referrals from the following countries: Cameroon, Togo and Mali
The amount paid to the Sponsor within the framework of the Operation for this category amounts to :
- 10€ (ten euros) / student having subscribed to the payment account and paying the annual subscription fees of the payment account
- 30€ (thirty euros) / student who has subscribed to an irrevocable transfer certificate (AVI) or blocked account at Studely
ii. For referrals from Category 2 countries
Category 2: includes all the godchildren coming from all the countries in the world (Senegal, Niger, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Gabon, DRC, Congo, Chad, Central African Republic, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and the rest of the world) except those of category 1 (Cameroon, Togo and Mali).
The amount paid to the Sponsor within the framework of the Operation for this category amounts to :
- 10€ (ten euros) / student having subscribed to the payment account and paying the annual subscription fees of the payment account
- 30€ (thirty euros) / student who has subscribed to an irrevocable transfer certificate (AVI) or blocked account at Studely
Sponsorship/ Referral Bonus | Category 1 | Category 2 |
Payment account | 10 € |
10 € |
Blocked account (includes the payment account ) |
30 € |
50 € |
b. Method of payment of premiums
Premiums will be paid to the Sponsor, 15 days after the close of the previous month.
The total monthly bonus amount will be calculated based on the number of students who have subscribed to the payment account and blocked account product via the list submitted by the Sponsor on his or her prescriber space at Studely.
The total premiums will be paid either by:
- Bank transfer to Sponsor's bank account or Sponsor's payment account if Sponsor has a payment account at Studely
- Provision of the funds in one of our Studely offices in Central/West/North Africa
- Provision of the funds in our Studely bank branches in Africa
The bank details and the identity documents of the Sponsor will be requested after his registration on the platform.
The Sponsor can make as many referrals as he/she wants during the duration of the referral offer.
c. Referrals that will not be taken into account by Studely
Please find below the type of referrals whose sponsorship does not entitle them to a bonus payment by Studely
- Students (or godchildren) enrolled in partner schools or schools that have a collaboration link with Studely. The list of these schools can be consulted by clicking on the following link: Partner schools/universities
- Students (or godchildren) who have been sponsored by Studely's partners/professional business partners. In case of double sponsorship of the sponsee (presence of the sponsee on the list of the business provider and the Sponsor), the student will be assigned to the business provider. Notification of dual sponsorship will be communicated to the sponsor when calculating their monthly bonus.
2. For referrals:
a. Referral Compensation
Referrals will receive a gratuity or bonus of :
- A bonus of 10 € (ten euros) for the opening and subscription of a Studely payment account
- A bonus of 20 € (twenty euros) for the subscription of a blocked account at Studely.
These bonuses will be transferred to the payment account of the student or godchild within 15 days following the month of subscription of the product.
If the Sponsor wishes to participate in the Operation, he/she registers on if he/she is a parent/relative or any other adult. He/she connects to his/her customer space if he/she is an old or new customer of Studely.
Once registered or connected to his space, he goes to the space dedicated to sponsorship. After having obtained the prior agreement of his potential Godchild(ren), the Sponsor fills in the form for each Godchild allowing the Organizer to send the invitation to the said Godchild. To do so, the Sponsor must complete the following mandatory fields: the name and surname of the Godchild, the e-mail address and the cell phone number of the Godchild. The Sponsor finalizes the invitation by clicking on the "I sponsor" button.
The Sponsor can also export an Excel file with the referral databases.
a. IMPORTANT : The Sponsor must have obtained the prior consent of each of his or her Recommendees to communicate their email address(es) and telephone number(s) to the Organizer. He/she must inform them that this information is necessary and will allow the Organizer to contact them in connection with the Sponsorship Operation. Any incomplete, erroneous, false, impersonating a third party or fictitious information or contact information provided by a Sponsor or a Referrer will be considered null and void and will not be eligible for the benefits of the Operation.
The email address of the Sponsor as well as that of each Recommendee, given on the sponsorship form, will be used by Studely for the sole purpose of sending to each of them the communications associated with the Operation: sending of the sponsorship invitation to each Recommendee and email to the attention of the Sponsor to inform him/her of the upcoming payment of the advantage.
The Referrer will receive an email or a text message proposing the sponsorship of Studely, containing a redirection link on which he will have to click to access the information concerning his registration for the subscription to the Studely product.
The opening of payment account and blocked account carried out within the framework of the Operation are subject to the general subscription conditions set by the Organizer.
b. IMPORTANT: In order to benefit from the advantages of the sponsorship offer, the Godchild must apply for the Studely product online on the website using the URL provided in the invitation email.
c. This Operation is governed by French law.